What to Do If You Find a Lost Cat

What to Do If You Find a Lost Cat

If you find a lost cat, the most important thing is to keep the cat safe. Then, if the found cat is friendly, you can check to have an identification tag or not.

If the cat looks sick or injured, call immediately city hotline or nearest animal shelter. If you are able to transport the cat, take him to the animal shelter nearby you.

What to Do When You Find a Lost Cat

There is lot of things to do with a found cat. Follow the following procedures if you find a lost cat:

  • Speak with it in a cat’s language so that it can feel you as a friend and get rid of any kind of fear.
  • Give it some food so that it feels casual to you.
  • If you can comfortably capture the cat of your own, keep it in a carrier or box that has air holes in them. It is important that the box is secure or it may escape.
  • Approach it with caution, it doesn’t matter how the cat is behaving. We know that it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • If the pet behaves aggressively, call the animal control.
  • Give sufficient information about its exact location and its appearance. This will help the authorities to capture it.
  • Try to contact the owner, if possible.
  • Scan for any microchip, there you can get an ID tag.
  • After capturing the cat, take it to a vet for a check-up.
  • Take the cat to the local animal shelter If you can’t find the owner or no ID tag is found on the cat.
  • Make a listing on Facebook that you’ve found a cat.
  • You can post a picture in the animal shelter’s database.
  • File a report in your local animal shelter about the cat.
  • Post flyers around your neighborhood and give pictures with your contact information.
  • Look on the internet to check if anyone has any queries about any cat. Online has made our life a lot easier to solve our problems.
  • Ask the people of your neighbors who can have sufficient information about the pet.
  • The cat could be abandoned. In that case, you may keep it or manage some rehab for it.
  • While searching for the owner, learn about parenting pets.
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